Trobairitz I loved Oregon. Portland was my turn-a-round city last year. After an oil change at Bob Lanphere’s Honda-Yamaha-Suzuki I headed east to Portland Maine (I thought it fitting for a coast to coast to do a Portland to Portland). Sorry I missed you. The route you've planned - definitely 'bucket list' worthy! I might be back...
Bob, you tease, you’ve peaked my interest: What’s happening in Joseph on July 21? (I was in Oregon last year on that date, it could happen again. PS, where the heck is Joseph - just kidding Google knows everything, except what's happening on the 21st.)
Richard, the photos don’t lie. The east coast is beautiful though it has an entirely different feel from the West Coast. It’s like the difference between Lady and the Tramp – in a good way. The East Coast is like a muffin on Gran’s fine china and the west, like Nouveau Cuisine served on square plates. I’m such an easterner, I was so surprised by how little space there was between the mountains and the sea, so little real coast on the west coast (not to mention so many tsunami evacuation routes.) The south does get hot, but then I recall travelling west and hitting temperatures of 103 F in the badlands. The mountains are always cooler. Two summers ago my hometown was reporting a heat wave with temps upward of +42 C and I was cool and comfortable in the Appalachian Mountains. On the coast it was fine but I didn’t head south, I headed to
The Island (PEI) where it was terrific as long as it wasn’t raining. I so love the Atlantic Coast.
Canajun, I love travelling along the St. Lawrence too. I’ve done Quebec City to Kingston several times but hesitate, when I’m travelling alone, to venture north - so I’ve never been up the Saguenay to Val Jabert. I have to admit I find it comforting to know that civilization, aka; gas, a secure campground, cell phone service and a CAA tow truck are always nearby should I need them. In both Northern Quebec and Northern Ontario services can be spread thin. (Maybe it's time to move out of my comfort zone.)
I Am Road King, I am also drawn to the beach. Assateague Island National Seashore looks like a beach I need to see, I almost booked a campsite.
I’m loving the suggestions and hope that one morning I will wake up with a plan. It’ll just be there, waiting in my head and I’ll know where I’m going. I’ve got a few weeks. So for today I’ll enjoy the Ontario sunshine (PEI had snow this morning) eat chocolate, and watch my Magnolia try to bloom in this unpredictable weather....Keep those suggestions coming!
My Magnolia |