Touring on a VStar 650 Custom: “I haven't a clue as to how my story will end. But that's all right. When you set out on a journey and night covers the road, you don't conclude the road has vanished. And how else could we discover the stars?" (unknown)
Yes Emily
Yes Emily, girls can ride motorcycles!
Sunday, December 28, 2014
You Might Remember ... Chris
You might remember my post-hurricane riding buddy Chris. He was on his way from Ottawa Ontario to Newfoundland when I met up with him just outside of Fredericton back in July. Chris now has a blog up and running about his trip. Check him out at Loston2Wheels. It was nice to have a friend, another future moto-blogger in the midst of disaster, no power and no gas! Check out his Youtube trailer too. Well done Chris.
The Eastern Chronicles - Some Things May Look Familiar
Guest Post 6, The final post by Art Rider
Day 29, July 6, 2014
It’s cloudy today and still quite windy. The power went out again about 11:30 AM, so it’s back to the generator. The weather is back to normal, gorgeous, so I went for a spin this afternoon. Walked along Inverness Beach, still lots of storm surge and big surf. Went up to East Margaree to have a look at Ernie and Terri’s place and see who’s there. Didn’t see any signs of life. The driveway looks a lot better, must have done some work on it.
Supper at the Mull Restaurant and caught the last of the music at the Red Shoe over a pint. Just back to the Mabou River and it is just starting to spit rain. Should be over by morning, my last full day in Cape Breton will be a bike day. Now where to go?
Day 30, July 7, 2014
Very hot and humid today. We also got a bit of rain overnight, quite a bit I think.
Walked to the post office in Mabou to get the letter Lynne sent with more business cards. On the way back I stopped in at an art gallery run by a local artist Suzanne Chrysler. Very nice work in oils, had a great chat about art, what else.
Going to go for a spin, not sure where, almost too humid to ride but, it’s my last day here.
Once I got on the road, things felt better on the bike. Rode around some of the road on the east side of the Cabot, then dropped by the bike guy’s shop on the trail where Wayne got his famous battery for his Triumph way back when. Back in Mabou, I’m getting organized for my ride to P.E.I. tomorrow, might be rainy at times. Tomorrow morning I’ll know.
Day 31, July 8, 2014
Dawn broke cloudy with a good chance of showers, so I started the day from Malbou with my rain bibs on. Part way down to the Canso I got a bit of a sprinkle, so I put the rest of the gear on, it only lasted about 15 minutes or so, and didn’t really amount to much at all. About an hour later I was taking most of the gear off again. It was really windy all day with very changeable conditions but no rain, just the threat. Rode over to the Confederation Bridge on the Sunshine Trail battling the wind all the way. When I got on the Confederation it became a tailwind, nice.
Checked into the Heritage House B&B and had a shower, I needed it. Called Karen on the cell and she rolled over from the KOA and we rode out for some supper. Went over to the KOA to check out her campsite, very busy but a nice spot. We’re out for a tour tomorrow.
I guess when I’m done in P.E.I. I will ride the Gaspe after all since I called Norm tonight and it looks like my visit at their place is a no go.
Day 32, July 9, 2014
Looks like a lovely day coming, sunny but a bit windy. Lovely breakfast of toast, jam, strawberries, biscuits and muffins, and of course coffee.
When Karen shows up we can head out on our mini tour of P.E.I. We headed up to Stanley Bridge about 9:45 AM, along the Cavendish shore, red, red, red soil and rocks. No shortage of wind today. Had a chat with a guy who runs a deep-sea fishing charter out of North Rustico, $45 for three hours, I may do that, the price is right.
Got to Stanley Bridge and found Carr’s Oysters and Shellfish Shop. They are the guys that supply Rodney Oyster House in Toronto. I’ve been to this place at Stanley Bridge way back in 1987 with Freddy Workker on one of our trips east. So I had a half-dozen Malpeques, sooo good! I might go back there for a lobster for supper, if the weather is OK, something looks to be blowing in at the moment.
Had a nap this afternoon and headed back up to Stanley Bridge for some supper. On the way I found a motel to stay in on the weekend, in Rusticoville, The Pines. Not too fancy and a good price, $80, so I’m booked until Monday morning.
Signed up for a fishing charter at 8:00 AM Saturday morning, can’t wait.
At Carr’s Market I had 6 clams and 6 oysters, all on the half shell thanks to my trusty oyster knife, and a 1½ lb. cooked lobster, all so good.
Dropped in at Karen’s campsite for a visit and chat and to make some riding plans for tomorrow.
Back at the B&B, I am having a pre-sack time scotch and then, lights out.
Day 33, July 10, 2014
I heard this morning that around midnight, a couple showed up at the door here, looking for the room that had supposedly reserved for them. Unfortunately the B&B was full up. I don't know where they ended up, but it wasn't here, yikes!
Just waiting for Karen to show, then we are going to ride to Summerside, that’s the plan anyway.
Karen showed about 9:15 AM and we rode to Summerside then on up to North Cape and had a look at a lighthouse. Nice day for riding, maybe a little warm away from the coast. This island is bigger than you think, that was a good ride, pretty tired now.
Day 34, July 11, 2014
I’m on my way this morning to Rusticoville, but first lunch with Karen and her friends in Charlottetown at 12:30 on the Quay. I need gas and some scotch from the liquor store.
Met Karen and friends, relations actually, Matt’s Aunt Elizabeth and her first cousin Patsy. Had a nice lunch on the Quay in Charlottetown, lobster roll and Caesar salad, a good one too. We said our goodbyes and now I’m checked in at the Pines in Rusticoville and having a scotch before supper, a short walk to the end of the road to a good-looking place for seafood. I’ll keep you posted.
Weather looks good for the weekend and my fishing tomorrow. I may go Sunday as well, we’ll see. The weather channel is calling for rain on Monday, if it’s bad, I may stay put until Tuesday. After all, my schedule is very flexible. I may have had the best bowl of steamer clams ever at the little restaurant down the road. All they serve is seafood and very simply prepared, that’s best way.
In fact, I watched two guys wading in with buckets of clams that they had just dug. Since the tide is coming in, they would be finishing up. This little restaurant is a gem, the P.E.I. of old. These places still exist.
Called Lynne this evening, and got some fantastic news, I’ve been accepted into the McMichael Gallery’s fall show and sale this October!! That’s a national call and only 40 spots are available, I got one, I’m over the moon! I need to celebrate that with a scotch.
Day 35, July 12, 2014
Did the deep-sea fishing cruise this morning, 8 AM from North Rustico, first you fish for mackeral for bait or eating, if you choose the latter. Caught tons of mackeral, sometimes two at a time. On light tackle they would be real fun, then we moved on to the cod grounds, deeper water. The cod need to be 19 inches to be keepers.
Caught lots of cod but nothing big enough to keep. Only three keepers were brought in all trip but there was lots of action. Just a beautiful day on the water, no humidity, 20+ degrees and a lovely breeze, you can’t beat a day like that. I’m doing another cruise tomorrow morning with a different charter company, let’s see how I do.
I’m thinking fish and chips for lunch with a glass of wheat beer, yum.
Just rode up to New London to pick up some P.E.I. mussels and oysters for supper. Along with the cod that I was gifted from the fishing charter this morning, I have quite the feast in store. Oysters on the half shell, cod on the barbecue and steamed mussels courtesy of the motel owners cooker, what more could one ask?
The cod in foil on the barbecue was out of this world! So fresh, so good. Love the salty oysters from PEI too. I bought too many mussels, very full now.
Day 36, July 13, 2014
Another beautiful day, just perfect for fishing. The weather looks grim for the next few days and I'm on the road tomorrow. Well I’ve had such a good run of fabulous weather, it had to end eventually. I want to see how far, or, if I can find a place to hole up if it gets really bad. They’re calling for thunder showers and it might get a bit hairy. We’ll see tomorrow. But this morning the cod are calling. In cod we trust.
A little slow today in the fishing department, lots of mackerel as usual but, fewer cod and no real keepers. Only caught a few small ones myself.
Had another big bowl of steamer clams for lunch, wow! May have to have another last bowl tonight. Last chance for the good shellfish today, I’m on the road tomorrow, in the rain most likely. It looks like wet weather for the next few days. I guess it had to catch up with me eventually.
Went for a little spin this afternoon for an ice cream from Cows in Cavendish, what a tourist zoo! Found a roadside stand selling strawberries, I’m gorging on them now.
Had my last bowl of steamer clams this evening. I guess now I have to go home. Looks soggy for tomorrow and maybe more. Oh well.
Day 37, July 14, 2014
Started today in drizzle and wind, the Confederation bridge was a Crosswind nightmare. Once across the bridge the rain started in earnest, really bucketed it down in fits and starts. By 10:30 it had stopped, and by 11 o'clock the sun was out and it got quite warm. Quebec was the usual nightmare once out of New Brunswick, trucks, construction and bad road surfaces. It’s the only problem with going and coming to the Maritimes. Oh well. Did about 700 km and I’m here in St.
Andrea in a quaint motel/inn with a nice restaurant. The fish chowder was really good! Downed with a glass of white wine, nice.
Took a walk through town after supper, really interesting mix of architecture, old habitant Quebec styles with a mix of what looks like a Maritime salt box influence. Also a huge Catholic church of course. I may take the 2 lane road that parallels the St. Lawrence as far as it goes, probably Quebec City for a change from the TransCanada.
You can make great K’s on the big highway but it can wear you down after a while.
Could be home late tomorrow but, Wednesday is more likely. No need to kill myself for nothing.
Day 38, July 15, 2014
Good-looking day this morning, lots of sun and some high cloud. Breakfast at 7:00 on the road by 7:30. Took some of Highway 132 this morning, very nice with some beautiful views of the St. Lawrence River. After about an hour of that, construction and detours and lots of small towns spoiled the fun. Reverted back to the TransCanada and started to make real time.
The call was for thunder showers around noon in Montreal and right on time, it started to rain just as I got to Highway 30, the bypass and it bucketed down really hard for about one and a half hours. It quit about the time I got to the Ontario border.
By this time, my plan was to head straight for home, a long day but what the hell. The trucks on the road are enough to drive you crazy and there are sure enough of them. It’s hard to believe the numbers really, it seems like there are as many trucks as cars and they’re fanned out all over the road, of course no one can get by at all, just nuts. I rode the last 200 km on back roads, just to relax. Got home about 6:45 PM, a solid 950 km day. So good to be home and see my sweetie.
The first thing I did, after a good long hug was to jump in the pool! So good, unpacking can wait till tomorrow.
This is the last post in the Art Rider - Eastern Chronicles Series. Thank you Ron for sharing your journal and photos of your epic trip to Newfoundland and the other eastern provinces.
All photos in the 6 part series are the copy right of Ronald Peter.
Day 29, July 6, 2014
It’s cloudy today and still quite windy. The power went out again about 11:30 AM, so it’s back to the generator. The weather is back to normal, gorgeous, so I went for a spin this afternoon. Walked along Inverness Beach, still lots of storm surge and big surf. Went up to East Margaree to have a look at Ernie and Terri’s place and see who’s there. Didn’t see any signs of life. The driveway looks a lot better, must have done some work on it.
Supper at the Mull Restaurant and caught the last of the music at the Red Shoe over a pint. Just back to the Mabou River and it is just starting to spit rain. Should be over by morning, my last full day in Cape Breton will be a bike day. Now where to go?
Day 30, July 7, 2014
Very hot and humid today. We also got a bit of rain overnight, quite a bit I think.
Walked to the post office in Mabou to get the letter Lynne sent with more business cards. On the way back I stopped in at an art gallery run by a local artist Suzanne Chrysler. Very nice work in oils, had a great chat about art, what else.
Going to go for a spin, not sure where, almost too humid to ride but, it’s my last day here.
Once I got on the road, things felt better on the bike. Rode around some of the road on the east side of the Cabot, then dropped by the bike guy’s shop on the trail where Wayne got his famous battery for his Triumph way back when. Back in Mabou, I’m getting organized for my ride to P.E.I. tomorrow, might be rainy at times. Tomorrow morning I’ll know.
Day 31, July 8, 2014
Dawn broke cloudy with a good chance of showers, so I started the day from Malbou with my rain bibs on. Part way down to the Canso I got a bit of a sprinkle, so I put the rest of the gear on, it only lasted about 15 minutes or so, and didn’t really amount to much at all. About an hour later I was taking most of the gear off again. It was really windy all day with very changeable conditions but no rain, just the threat. Rode over to the Confederation Bridge on the Sunshine Trail battling the wind all the way. When I got on the Confederation it became a tailwind, nice.
Checked into the Heritage House B&B and had a shower, I needed it. Called Karen on the cell and she rolled over from the KOA and we rode out for some supper. Went over to the KOA to check out her campsite, very busy but a nice spot. We’re out for a tour tomorrow.
I guess when I’m done in P.E.I. I will ride the Gaspe after all since I called Norm tonight and it looks like my visit at their place is a no go.
Day 32, July 9, 2014
Looks like a lovely day coming, sunny but a bit windy. Lovely breakfast of toast, jam, strawberries, biscuits and muffins, and of course coffee.
When Karen shows up we can head out on our mini tour of P.E.I. We headed up to Stanley Bridge about 9:45 AM, along the Cavendish shore, red, red, red soil and rocks. No shortage of wind today. Had a chat with a guy who runs a deep-sea fishing charter out of North Rustico, $45 for three hours, I may do that, the price is right.
Got to Stanley Bridge and found Carr’s Oysters and Shellfish Shop. They are the guys that supply Rodney Oyster House in Toronto. I’ve been to this place at Stanley Bridge way back in 1987 with Freddy Workker on one of our trips east. So I had a half-dozen Malpeques, sooo good! I might go back there for a lobster for supper, if the weather is OK, something looks to be blowing in at the moment.
Had a nap this afternoon and headed back up to Stanley Bridge for some supper. On the way I found a motel to stay in on the weekend, in Rusticoville, The Pines. Not too fancy and a good price, $80, so I’m booked until Monday morning.
Signed up for a fishing charter at 8:00 AM Saturday morning, can’t wait.
At Carr’s Market I had 6 clams and 6 oysters, all on the half shell thanks to my trusty oyster knife, and a 1½ lb. cooked lobster, all so good.
Dropped in at Karen’s campsite for a visit and chat and to make some riding plans for tomorrow.
Back at the B&B, I am having a pre-sack time scotch and then, lights out.
Day 33, July 10, 2014
I heard this morning that around midnight, a couple showed up at the door here, looking for the room that had supposedly reserved for them. Unfortunately the B&B was full up. I don't know where they ended up, but it wasn't here, yikes!
Just waiting for Karen to show, then we are going to ride to Summerside, that’s the plan anyway.
Karen showed about 9:15 AM and we rode to Summerside then on up to North Cape and had a look at a lighthouse. Nice day for riding, maybe a little warm away from the coast. This island is bigger than you think, that was a good ride, pretty tired now.
Day 34, July 11, 2014
I’m on my way this morning to Rusticoville, but first lunch with Karen and her friends in Charlottetown at 12:30 on the Quay. I need gas and some scotch from the liquor store.
Met Karen and friends, relations actually, Matt’s Aunt Elizabeth and her first cousin Patsy. Had a nice lunch on the Quay in Charlottetown, lobster roll and Caesar salad, a good one too. We said our goodbyes and now I’m checked in at the Pines in Rusticoville and having a scotch before supper, a short walk to the end of the road to a good-looking place for seafood. I’ll keep you posted.
Weather looks good for the weekend and my fishing tomorrow. I may go Sunday as well, we’ll see. The weather channel is calling for rain on Monday, if it’s bad, I may stay put until Tuesday. After all, my schedule is very flexible. I may have had the best bowl of steamer clams ever at the little restaurant down the road. All they serve is seafood and very simply prepared, that’s best way.
In fact, I watched two guys wading in with buckets of clams that they had just dug. Since the tide is coming in, they would be finishing up. This little restaurant is a gem, the P.E.I. of old. These places still exist.
Called Lynne this evening, and got some fantastic news, I’ve been accepted into the McMichael Gallery’s fall show and sale this October!! That’s a national call and only 40 spots are available, I got one, I’m over the moon! I need to celebrate that with a scotch.
Day 35, July 12, 2014
Did the deep-sea fishing cruise this morning, 8 AM from North Rustico, first you fish for mackeral for bait or eating, if you choose the latter. Caught tons of mackeral, sometimes two at a time. On light tackle they would be real fun, then we moved on to the cod grounds, deeper water. The cod need to be 19 inches to be keepers.
Caught lots of cod but nothing big enough to keep. Only three keepers were brought in all trip but there was lots of action. Just a beautiful day on the water, no humidity, 20+ degrees and a lovely breeze, you can’t beat a day like that. I’m doing another cruise tomorrow morning with a different charter company, let’s see how I do.
I’m thinking fish and chips for lunch with a glass of wheat beer, yum.
Just rode up to New London to pick up some P.E.I. mussels and oysters for supper. Along with the cod that I was gifted from the fishing charter this morning, I have quite the feast in store. Oysters on the half shell, cod on the barbecue and steamed mussels courtesy of the motel owners cooker, what more could one ask?
The cod in foil on the barbecue was out of this world! So fresh, so good. Love the salty oysters from PEI too. I bought too many mussels, very full now.
Day 36, July 13, 2014
Another beautiful day, just perfect for fishing. The weather looks grim for the next few days and I'm on the road tomorrow. Well I’ve had such a good run of fabulous weather, it had to end eventually. I want to see how far, or, if I can find a place to hole up if it gets really bad. They’re calling for thunder showers and it might get a bit hairy. We’ll see tomorrow. But this morning the cod are calling. In cod we trust.
A little slow today in the fishing department, lots of mackerel as usual but, fewer cod and no real keepers. Only caught a few small ones myself.
Had another big bowl of steamer clams for lunch, wow! May have to have another last bowl tonight. Last chance for the good shellfish today, I’m on the road tomorrow, in the rain most likely. It looks like wet weather for the next few days. I guess it had to catch up with me eventually.
Went for a little spin this afternoon for an ice cream from Cows in Cavendish, what a tourist zoo! Found a roadside stand selling strawberries, I’m gorging on them now.
Had my last bowl of steamer clams this evening. I guess now I have to go home. Looks soggy for tomorrow and maybe more. Oh well.
Day 37, July 14, 2014
Started today in drizzle and wind, the Confederation bridge was a Crosswind nightmare. Once across the bridge the rain started in earnest, really bucketed it down in fits and starts. By 10:30 it had stopped, and by 11 o'clock the sun was out and it got quite warm. Quebec was the usual nightmare once out of New Brunswick, trucks, construction and bad road surfaces. It’s the only problem with going and coming to the Maritimes. Oh well. Did about 700 km and I’m here in St.
Andrea in a quaint motel/inn with a nice restaurant. The fish chowder was really good! Downed with a glass of white wine, nice.
Took a walk through town after supper, really interesting mix of architecture, old habitant Quebec styles with a mix of what looks like a Maritime salt box influence. Also a huge Catholic church of course. I may take the 2 lane road that parallels the St. Lawrence as far as it goes, probably Quebec City for a change from the TransCanada.
You can make great K’s on the big highway but it can wear you down after a while.
Could be home late tomorrow but, Wednesday is more likely. No need to kill myself for nothing.
Day 38, July 15, 2014
Good-looking day this morning, lots of sun and some high cloud. Breakfast at 7:00 on the road by 7:30. Took some of Highway 132 this morning, very nice with some beautiful views of the St. Lawrence River. After about an hour of that, construction and detours and lots of small towns spoiled the fun. Reverted back to the TransCanada and started to make real time.
The call was for thunder showers around noon in Montreal and right on time, it started to rain just as I got to Highway 30, the bypass and it bucketed down really hard for about one and a half hours. It quit about the time I got to the Ontario border.
By this time, my plan was to head straight for home, a long day but what the hell. The trucks on the road are enough to drive you crazy and there are sure enough of them. It’s hard to believe the numbers really, it seems like there are as many trucks as cars and they’re fanned out all over the road, of course no one can get by at all, just nuts. I rode the last 200 km on back roads, just to relax. Got home about 6:45 PM, a solid 950 km day. So good to be home and see my sweetie.
The first thing I did, after a good long hug was to jump in the pool! So good, unpacking can wait till tomorrow.
This is the last post in the Art Rider - Eastern Chronicles Series. Thank you Ron for sharing your journal and photos of your epic trip to Newfoundland and the other eastern provinces.
All photos in the 6 part series are the copy right of Ronald Peter.
Monday, December 22, 2014
The Eastern Chronicles - Waiting for Ferries and Storms ...
Guest Post 5 by Art Rider
Day 20, June 27, 2014
A grey day this morning with a bit of rain but it seems to be clearing up. The Reverend left this morning for Burgeo at 10:15 AM on the chopper; Wonder if that’s how I’ll get back on Monday? The ferry should be fixed by then. We’ll see. Still a bit of drizzle but I decided to go for a walk about anyway. Had a chat with the Manitoba folks, they’re still here … might get out on the chopper later today. I bumped into Eli and was invited into his house for a cup of tea. Wonderful folks. Back to Doris’s for lunch.
The news on the ferry is that it left Hermitage to come to François and broke down again, so it headed back to Hermitage. The chopper is now pressed into service for Saturday and Sunday, after that nobody knows what will happen. I booked a spot for a Sunday return to Burgeo, one day ahead of schedule. Better that than not get out at all. I’ve never been in a helicopter before. That will be exciting! The adventure continues.
Trout and Caplin fried up for supper by George himself, what could be better?
The rumor is that there will be another ferry in service by Sunday, so I might not get that chopper ride after all. I’ll be really disappointed if I don’t; will have to wait and see.
Looks like another boat ride down the coast tomorrow for a bit more trout fishing. Great fun!
Day 21, June 28, 2014
Took the fishing boat down to run Recontre Bay this morning with George and Eli at the helm: A gorgeous day, sunny and warm. Didn’t find any Caplin, ‘They’s gone bye they’s gone!’ No real amount of trout either from this other stream, just very small ones.
We had bottled moose, homemade bread and potato cakes for lunch, some good eh? Went down to Devil’s Bay for a look too; It’s so beautiful down there. Just unbelievable rock formations and waterfalls. Nice ride back, Lobster for supper and then I’m gone tomorrow. Looks like the new other ferry for me, unless things change. I was so looking forward to the chopper ride, Oh well.
The lobsters were sooo good but I’m fit to burst! I think I’m just about lobstered out…just waiting for enough room to open up for lemon pie!
Looks like the new replacement ferry is set to arrive - if it gets here tonight, I’ll be on it at 7:30 AM. If not who knows. (The ferry just pulled in at 8 PM so that’s it, I’ll be on her in the morning at 7:30 AM.)
Next stop Grey River then Burgeo.
Day 22, June 29, 2014
Eggs, ham and toast ready for me to eat at 6:30 AM. Doris looks after her boarders, I think I need to go on a diet now. Said my goodbyes to Doris and George; what warm generous people they are, and all of the people of Francois, who made my week there absolutely unforgettable. The ferry that has just been put into service on the coast run is a speedy little craft, although smaller than the Marine Voyager. The trip was a piece of cake, clear skies, light winds and lots of stunning coast to look at.
We made stops in Gray River, Ramea and got into Burgeo at 12 noon. Dorim came to pick me up and I'm back home in Burgeo at the Haven.
Now starts the reconstruction of my motorcycle luggage system before I go on to Port aux Basques on Wednesday. (Just going to relax today, as I’m here a day earlier than planned.)
Started to slowly get my luggage reorganized and had supper with Dorim and Martine, shark steaks with garlic and butter, ratatouille and green salad. We went for short boat ride after supper. Now I’m having a little taste of scotch, working on my journal and reading a new book, The Hungry Ocean by the female captain of a sword fishing boat, The Hannah Bodin. It was was the sister ship to the Andrea Gail (The Perfect Storm).Tomorrow – looks like it could be a Sandbanks Beach day, the weather is so nice.
Day 23, June 30, 2014
Another beautiful day in Burgeo, bright, sunny and soon to be warm. French toast this morning with fresh fruit and bakeapple jam, Yum Yum Yum! I called Lynne this morning and asked her to mail more of my business cards to Cape Breton for me. I’m down to five from roughly 30. They should be there when I arrive, hopefully. Got some reading in today then went to have a look at first and second beach at Sandbanks with Martine. We actually saw kids swimming in the ocean. Newfoundland kids are tough. We saw a hare on the trail back to the parking lot, a big one.
Got the photo. Burgers for supper, real nice. Rain moved in around 4:30, scattered showers tomorrow. It’s also my last full day tomorrow so time to pack up. I’m going to miss these folks and this place, big-time!!
Day 24, July 1, 2014
Bit of a change in plan today, I’m going to head back up to Port aux Basques, while the weather is good. Not looking forward to the Burgeo highway, but it must be done. I will wait until noon, fewer moose.

Cheese and chive omelette for breakfast, Oh so good! Left for Port aux Basques around 12:30 PM. No problems on the Burgeo slalom highway. Heartfelt goodbyes at the Burgeo Haven B&B with Dorim and Martine. I will miss them dearly. When I arrived here in Post aux Basques at the hotel, I gave them a call to let them know that I arrived OK.
Checked in about 4:30 PM. Met two guys from Massachusetts who are going back on the ferry tonight. They took the ferry to Argentia, Newfoundland and rode to St. John’s, then across the province to St. Barb’s, then took the ferry to Labrador just to say they were there, came back to Newfoundland, down to Port aux Basques and are now heading home. Both are my age. Old guys rock! Going to have some supper and head downtown for the music and fireworks. I guess I’ll cab, the bike is all put to bed.
Happy Canada Day!!
Day 25, July 2, 2014
Not a bad fireworks display at all. They blew some cash off there for sure, ‘Yis bye.’ Walked home from the park, about 1½ miles I’ll bet, exhausted.
It’s another beautiful day here in Port aux Basques. Fishcakes and eggs for breakfast. I’m going native, ‘Yis bye.’ I’m on the hunt for more bakeapple jam, it’s a scarce thing, even here in Newfoundland, but, I’m determined.
Another change of plan, when I get off the ferry tomorrow around 6 PM, I’m going to run straight to Mabou and try and beat the weather, since it is not sounding good for the weekend. One needs to be flexible around these parts. Did some book shopping today. I need some reading material if that tropical storm shows up in Cape Breton while I’m there, it looks fairly sure that it will.
One drop of scotch, then some supper. I’m on the ferry tomorrow at 9:45 AM.
Day 26, July 3, 2014
Overcast at the moment but clearing slightly later, then on to the ferry by 9:45 AM. My only concern today is what the weather might be when I get off the ferry in North Sydney. Time will tell. Departed at 11:45 AM sharp. A bit of a lonely trip on the ferry. Very few people on this trip.
A few bike people though, so we had a chance to chat. Should be arriving about 6:15 PM in North Sydney. I’m going to push straight on to Mabou and should pull in there about 7:30-7:45 PM. Sun is shining and it’s quite warm. Should be a good ride to Mabou.
Day 27, July 4, 2014
All snug here in Mabou. After a brief chat with Dave this morning over breakfast, my quest today is for some snow crab, so will ride up to Cheticamp, hopefully before the weather gets here. Got to Cheticamp in glorious sunshine around 11:45AM. The crab boat won’t be in until 3:30 or 4:00 PM, so I chose to ride up the Cabot Trail to Bay St. Lawrence to see what they have.
A crab boat was in when I got there about 1:00 PM, but it was waiting to unload, so about 2 o’clock, after I had a nice long chat with the skipper, he pulled three nice crab out of the hold, cleaned the legs up and when I asked how much for the crab, he said, nothing, I had a good day fishing, I’ve made my quota, so they’re on me. I was gob smacked! There’s that Maritime generosity again, it’s so great. I’m going to suffer culture shock when I get home.
Dave is going to cook my crab for 6 PM, can’t wait!
Crab was fabulous! It’s like lobster claw meat on steroids for flavor, but a little harder to eat, just the meal for a patient man. Lots left over to offer Dave and company. Went up to the Red Shoe after supper for kitchen party week. Great Celtic band and I met a guy from Alaska who is getting in touch with his Celtic alter ego, much like me. He heard some Celtic music at home in Alaska and the penny dropped. He has been all over, including Scotland, wired to the music and culture.
Just waiting for the storm now. The bike is tucked away and here’s hoping things don’t get too bad. Time will tell. Just one more adventure.
Day 28, July 5, 2014
Just waiting for the storm to get here, it’s making landfall in Yarmouth at the moment. Hope my laundry gets done before, and if, the power goes out. I’d like to watch the women’s final tennis, I need power for that too.
The tennis was more than a little one sided. Poor Genie Bouchard was blown out by Kvitova, who has a wicked serve and service return. Bouchard was never really in it, but at least she got into the final, that’s a major accomplishment.
Dave’s wife hunted me up some Mabou oysters, delivered to the inn by the oyster gal herself, Lisa Nisi. Lisa is a real character, Japanese American, from New York City originally, escaped from the fashion industry as a designer, with lots of wild stories from her days in the business. We must’ve talked for an hour as I ate my oysters. Amazing how people network around here, nothing is too much trouble.
The storm is starting to fizzle out without really doing much of anything up here. It’s still gusty but the sun is out and it’s really very nice though way too windy to be on the bike. They are calling for rain tomorrow as the storm wraps around on its way out, we’ll see. The power just went out, it’s 4:30 PM and Dave is getting the generator fired up. Wind is staying up and the power didn’t come back until about 7:30 PM.
Day 20, June 27, 2014
A grey day this morning with a bit of rain but it seems to be clearing up. The Reverend left this morning for Burgeo at 10:15 AM on the chopper; Wonder if that’s how I’ll get back on Monday? The ferry should be fixed by then. We’ll see. Still a bit of drizzle but I decided to go for a walk about anyway. Had a chat with the Manitoba folks, they’re still here … might get out on the chopper later today. I bumped into Eli and was invited into his house for a cup of tea. Wonderful folks. Back to Doris’s for lunch.
The news on the ferry is that it left Hermitage to come to François and broke down again, so it headed back to Hermitage. The chopper is now pressed into service for Saturday and Sunday, after that nobody knows what will happen. I booked a spot for a Sunday return to Burgeo, one day ahead of schedule. Better that than not get out at all. I’ve never been in a helicopter before. That will be exciting! The adventure continues.
Trout and Caplin fried up for supper by George himself, what could be better?
The rumor is that there will be another ferry in service by Sunday, so I might not get that chopper ride after all. I’ll be really disappointed if I don’t; will have to wait and see.
Looks like another boat ride down the coast tomorrow for a bit more trout fishing. Great fun!
Day 21, June 28, 2014
Took the fishing boat down to run Recontre Bay this morning with George and Eli at the helm: A gorgeous day, sunny and warm. Didn’t find any Caplin, ‘They’s gone bye they’s gone!’ No real amount of trout either from this other stream, just very small ones.
We had bottled moose, homemade bread and potato cakes for lunch, some good eh? Went down to Devil’s Bay for a look too; It’s so beautiful down there. Just unbelievable rock formations and waterfalls. Nice ride back, Lobster for supper and then I’m gone tomorrow. Looks like the new other ferry for me, unless things change. I was so looking forward to the chopper ride, Oh well.
The lobsters were sooo good but I’m fit to burst! I think I’m just about lobstered out…just waiting for enough room to open up for lemon pie!
Looks like the new replacement ferry is set to arrive - if it gets here tonight, I’ll be on it at 7:30 AM. If not who knows. (The ferry just pulled in at 8 PM so that’s it, I’ll be on her in the morning at 7:30 AM.)
Next stop Grey River then Burgeo.
Day 22, June 29, 2014
Eggs, ham and toast ready for me to eat at 6:30 AM. Doris looks after her boarders, I think I need to go on a diet now. Said my goodbyes to Doris and George; what warm generous people they are, and all of the people of Francois, who made my week there absolutely unforgettable. The ferry that has just been put into service on the coast run is a speedy little craft, although smaller than the Marine Voyager. The trip was a piece of cake, clear skies, light winds and lots of stunning coast to look at.
We made stops in Gray River, Ramea and got into Burgeo at 12 noon. Dorim came to pick me up and I'm back home in Burgeo at the Haven.
Now starts the reconstruction of my motorcycle luggage system before I go on to Port aux Basques on Wednesday. (Just going to relax today, as I’m here a day earlier than planned.)
Started to slowly get my luggage reorganized and had supper with Dorim and Martine, shark steaks with garlic and butter, ratatouille and green salad. We went for short boat ride after supper. Now I’m having a little taste of scotch, working on my journal and reading a new book, The Hungry Ocean by the female captain of a sword fishing boat, The Hannah Bodin. It was was the sister ship to the Andrea Gail (The Perfect Storm).Tomorrow – looks like it could be a Sandbanks Beach day, the weather is so nice.
Day 23, June 30, 2014
Another beautiful day in Burgeo, bright, sunny and soon to be warm. French toast this morning with fresh fruit and bakeapple jam, Yum Yum Yum! I called Lynne this morning and asked her to mail more of my business cards to Cape Breton for me. I’m down to five from roughly 30. They should be there when I arrive, hopefully. Got some reading in today then went to have a look at first and second beach at Sandbanks with Martine. We actually saw kids swimming in the ocean. Newfoundland kids are tough. We saw a hare on the trail back to the parking lot, a big one.
Got the photo. Burgers for supper, real nice. Rain moved in around 4:30, scattered showers tomorrow. It’s also my last full day tomorrow so time to pack up. I’m going to miss these folks and this place, big-time!!
Day 24, July 1, 2014
Bit of a change in plan today, I’m going to head back up to Port aux Basques, while the weather is good. Not looking forward to the Burgeo highway, but it must be done. I will wait until noon, fewer moose.

Cheese and chive omelette for breakfast, Oh so good! Left for Port aux Basques around 12:30 PM. No problems on the Burgeo slalom highway. Heartfelt goodbyes at the Burgeo Haven B&B with Dorim and Martine. I will miss them dearly. When I arrived here in Post aux Basques at the hotel, I gave them a call to let them know that I arrived OK.
Checked in about 4:30 PM. Met two guys from Massachusetts who are going back on the ferry tonight. They took the ferry to Argentia, Newfoundland and rode to St. John’s, then across the province to St. Barb’s, then took the ferry to Labrador just to say they were there, came back to Newfoundland, down to Port aux Basques and are now heading home. Both are my age. Old guys rock! Going to have some supper and head downtown for the music and fireworks. I guess I’ll cab, the bike is all put to bed.
Happy Canada Day!!
Not a bad fireworks display at all. They blew some cash off there for sure, ‘Yis bye.’ Walked home from the park, about 1½ miles I’ll bet, exhausted.
It’s another beautiful day here in Port aux Basques. Fishcakes and eggs for breakfast. I’m going native, ‘Yis bye.’ I’m on the hunt for more bakeapple jam, it’s a scarce thing, even here in Newfoundland, but, I’m determined.
Another change of plan, when I get off the ferry tomorrow around 6 PM, I’m going to run straight to Mabou and try and beat the weather, since it is not sounding good for the weekend. One needs to be flexible around these parts. Did some book shopping today. I need some reading material if that tropical storm shows up in Cape Breton while I’m there, it looks fairly sure that it will.
One drop of scotch, then some supper. I’m on the ferry tomorrow at 9:45 AM.
Overcast at the moment but clearing slightly later, then on to the ferry by 9:45 AM. My only concern today is what the weather might be when I get off the ferry in North Sydney. Time will tell. Departed at 11:45 AM sharp. A bit of a lonely trip on the ferry. Very few people on this trip.
A few bike people though, so we had a chance to chat. Should be arriving about 6:15 PM in North Sydney. I’m going to push straight on to Mabou and should pull in there about 7:30-7:45 PM. Sun is shining and it’s quite warm. Should be a good ride to Mabou.
Day 27, July 4, 2014
All snug here in Mabou. After a brief chat with Dave this morning over breakfast, my quest today is for some snow crab, so will ride up to Cheticamp, hopefully before the weather gets here. Got to Cheticamp in glorious sunshine around 11:45AM. The crab boat won’t be in until 3:30 or 4:00 PM, so I chose to ride up the Cabot Trail to Bay St. Lawrence to see what they have.
A crab boat was in when I got there about 1:00 PM, but it was waiting to unload, so about 2 o’clock, after I had a nice long chat with the skipper, he pulled three nice crab out of the hold, cleaned the legs up and when I asked how much for the crab, he said, nothing, I had a good day fishing, I’ve made my quota, so they’re on me. I was gob smacked! There’s that Maritime generosity again, it’s so great. I’m going to suffer culture shock when I get home.
Dave is going to cook my crab for 6 PM, can’t wait!
Crab was fabulous! It’s like lobster claw meat on steroids for flavor, but a little harder to eat, just the meal for a patient man. Lots left over to offer Dave and company. Went up to the Red Shoe after supper for kitchen party week. Great Celtic band and I met a guy from Alaska who is getting in touch with his Celtic alter ego, much like me. He heard some Celtic music at home in Alaska and the penny dropped. He has been all over, including Scotland, wired to the music and culture.
Just waiting for the storm now. The bike is tucked away and here’s hoping things don’t get too bad. Time will tell. Just one more adventure.
Day 28, July 5, 2014
Just waiting for the storm to get here, it’s making landfall in Yarmouth at the moment. Hope my laundry gets done before, and if, the power goes out. I’d like to watch the women’s final tennis, I need power for that too.
The tennis was more than a little one sided. Poor Genie Bouchard was blown out by Kvitova, who has a wicked serve and service return. Bouchard was never really in it, but at least she got into the final, that’s a major accomplishment.
Dave’s wife hunted me up some Mabou oysters, delivered to the inn by the oyster gal herself, Lisa Nisi. Lisa is a real character, Japanese American, from New York City originally, escaped from the fashion industry as a designer, with lots of wild stories from her days in the business. We must’ve talked for an hour as I ate my oysters. Amazing how people network around here, nothing is too much trouble.
The storm is starting to fizzle out without really doing much of anything up here. It’s still gusty but the sun is out and it’s really very nice though way too windy to be on the bike. They are calling for rain tomorrow as the storm wraps around on its way out, we’ll see. The power just went out, it’s 4:30 PM and Dave is getting the generator fired up. Wind is staying up and the power didn’t come back until about 7:30 PM.
Friday, December 5, 2014
The Eastern Chronicles: Fishing, Ferries and Francois
Guest Post 4 by Art Rider
Day 14, June 21, 2014
I was making breakfast this morning the toaster popped the breaker for the
kitchen outlets. Not having a clue where the fuse box was I had to call Darlene
on the phone, it was 8:45 AM. and she was sound asleep, oops! The breaker
stopped the coffee and everything else in the kitchen, so it had to be done.
With her explanation, I found the fuse box, reset the breaker, which popped
again. After moving the toaster to another location, the problem was solved.
for a big walk out to the lighthouse and around the big loop back to town,
about 2 miles or so. Great walk, mostly on a fine boardwalk and wonderful
tuckamore, bog and rocks, with lots of bunchberries, cloudberry plants, ferns
and irises, which are still just coming up. Lots of great sea views too.
weather was a bit cool, about 11°C, with the sun coming and going all morning. Got
back into town about 12:15 and had a bowl of soup and a cup of tea at Eastern
Outfitters Restaurant.
Darlene says there is a lobster raffle up the street at
1:00 PM so up the road I go. Don’t I win two, 2 pound lobsters for this
evening, plus the one I ordered yesterday, that makes three! Looks like Darlene
and I are eating lobster tonight, big-time! She’s baking a lemon pie for
dessert too.
came back from Darlene’s. The lobster was fab!
The lemon pie too. Just to top it all off, Darleen gave me a big jar of
her own bakeapple jam, what a sweetheart!
The ferry limped into Ramea this afternoon
after being worked on most of the day in Burgeo. She’s down to one engine and
will be tomorrow as well, so it’s only making one trip on Sunday, and that’s
leaving in the morning at 8:00 AM.
hit the hay.
Day 15, June 22, 2014
on the ferry to Burgeo at 7:45 AM, departed at 8:00 AM sharp, that’s a pretty
early morning for me. The ferry is down to one of its two engines, making the
crossing a little slower. Only one trip today, down from three. Dorim was
waiting at the wharf to pick me up. Martine and Dorim are so sweet. I’ll get a
little laundry done today and I’ll be all set for François.
brought 2 lobster tails from last night back on the ferry and made lobster
salad for our supper, and the dishes Martine made, all in all a great meal with
Day 16, June 23, 2014
On to Francois today. Waffles for breakfast,
with fruit and bakeapple jam, some good eh?
the boat by 1:30 - on the way by 1:45 PM. We made a stop in Ramea, that was a
bit of a surprise, then on to Gray River. That’s a beautiful little place. Wish
I had made arrangements to stay there, but it just was not possible this trip.
Next time.
into Francois at 6:45 PM. George met me at the dock and helped bring my bags up
to the house. I think he’s my age, at least according to Dorim. He’s got new
knees too. Doris had a massive supper
ready for us when we got in. Cod, halibut, mashed taters, mac salad, cheese and
broccoli bake with fresh baked rolls. Rhubarb pie for dessert with clotted
cream. Am I stuffed! Great food, I won’t be losing any weight this week.
for a little walk after. Looks like I will
be doing some trout fishing here this week in the top pond. No chance for any
cod fishing, the ministry guys are on everybody like a cheap suit if they fish
out of season. The food fishery for residents is only three week out of the
year, two weeks in August and one week in September. That’s pretty sad. The Caplin are running too, so might be into
some of those. If
the weather is okay on Thursday I’ll go up to McCallum and Hermitage, but only
if it’s clear. So far the forecast is for rain. We’ll see.
Day 17, June 24, 2014
bit of fog this morning, but looks like it’ll be burning off soon. Toast and
partridge berry jam for breakfast, coffee of course. I
might take a walk up to the top ponds and see what the trout possibilities are,
George says there are lots in there. I’ll have to pull some out.
up to the first pond after breakfast to try my luck. Very beautiful but a very
steep climb up from the village, on really good boardwalk path. When you get up
there, it's a series of boardwalk and trail, mostly trail around about a 75
acre, or so, pond with a stream running in the other end, from another pond.
The blackflies are brutal! I sprayed up before I went, didn't help at all.
Caught one brook trout about 8 to 9 inches. That was it, but what scenery. Got back to Doris’s exhausted.
for tea and a cinnamon bun, or two, will try the pond again another time before
I go. Went for a stroll around before supper and ran into the couple from
Manitoba. They were seriously thinking about buying a house they had seen for
$5000. I wonder if they will. They are
trying to get back to Burgeo on Wednesday but the ferry is having a mechanical
problem too. That’s both the Burgeo and the François ferries with problems.

supper, jigs dinner and lemon pie, Yum, George, Cody, Noah and myself went up
the coast in their smaller boat to fish for trout where a brook meets the
ocean. We caught 33 trout in about three hours! Wow! What fun.
hear the Adventure Canada Tour ship is coming here on Thursday, I can say hi to
Matthew Swan again. I think I’ll scrub the McCallum ferry that day in case I
get stuck there, with the ferry trouble and all.
tea, a wee scotch, and to bed.
Day 18, June 25, 2014
breakfast today, cereal, juice and coffee. Looks like showers this afternoon
into this evening. Might do a little reading. The Manitoba couple got away this
morning, don’t know if they bought that place or not.
quiet morning, just doing some reading. Good lunch, salt beef hash from the
jigs diner, with cold chicken and moose. Banana cake for dessert, Yum!!
Raining now. Might clear up tomorrow.
to visit the couple from Manitoba, seems they did not leave after all. Looks
like tomorrow for them now. The poor guy is in very bad shape, arthritis in his
back, but I think he has other more serious problems and I think he knows that
too. Makes you value your own health. If the weather clears up tomorrow
morning, George and I may take the boat to Recontre Bay, where they have a
cabin, just for an outing. Might do some trouting too.
evening supper is up at the school to celebrate graduation for 3 kids and the
end of the school year, of course, I’m invited as a guest of the community. I
even helped Doris make two of the salads, cutting and chopping.
graduation ceremony and dinner were quite a bid deal. One speech, presentation
and award after another and lots of tears and emotion. You would think everyone
was never going to see those kids ever again. Gives you some idea of how strong
family and place is here in Newfoundland. I guess especially in the outports,
it’s all about family and community support. None of these places could have
survived all this time without it. Supper was a variety of home made dishes,
everyone has a specialty. All very good ... some good eh!
a bit rainy, it’s supposed to quit tonight. If it does we should get out in
George’s boat for a trip up to their cabin. The Caplin are running and I guess
we are going to get a taste of them, we’ll see.
Day 19, June 26, 2014
Day 19, June 26, 2014
thought about going on the McCallum ferry this morning but thought of it just a
bit too late, oh well.
and Eli and myself went up the coast in George’s fishing boat to Recontre Bay, an
old outport long since abandoned, for a day of Caplin hunting.
took my trout rod and did some fishing in a brook that runs into the sea at
that point. I caught 9 trout, all sizes but no Caplin came into shore.

to the boat for lunch, eggs, bologna, fried with homemade bread, partridge
berry jam, bottled Moose
and tea, fabulous! Back to Francois to meet the cruise ship.

is crawling with cruise people, roughly doubling the population. Big kitchen party
up at the community center for the cruise people tonight, should be big fun,
more later.
party started after supper at the hall at about 8 PM. Lots of great music, all
kinds, and drinks, and of course, food. The cruise ship people look like a fun
bunch to travel with, they usually are. It all broke up about 11 PM and by
morning the ship was gone.
the coast ferries are broken down at the moment and the chopper is still in
service. They will pretty much have to keep it going as no one can move up or
down the coast without it at the moment.
I can get back to Burgeo on Monday. Fingers crossed!
All photos copyright Ronald Peter
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