Yes Emily

Yes Emily, girls can ride motorcycles!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Winter Side Trip 

As a diversion, and because we have been blasted with yet another winter snow storm … here is a view from the hood. According to the weather forecasters tomorrow the temps will be in the plus range and we will have rain – erasing, once again, the beauty that is winter.

When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or go ice fishing...(or if you want the original quote - make snow angels.) From my favorite view of the lake.


  1. There is a third option: sit in front of a fireplace and wait it out ;-)

    Our winter still hasn't made its appearance. We even went out scootering today.

    1. Unbelievably, there was an individual(not me) out scootering on Friday during a blizzard which was attempting(and succeeding)to drop 30 cm of snow on us. My only regret, I couldn't pull over and take a photo! Oh, not the same kind of scootering you were doing I guess?

  2. So pretty Karen.

    Glad I don't have to shovel it, but I do like looking at it.

    1. I didn't shovel it either ... enjoyed watching a son (and grandaughter) in a big heated tractor doing it for me though. Gotta love having friends with big tractors :)

  3. Rain on top of snow, ugh. Can it get any worse than that? I'll take more snow anytime over that.

  4. Richard, it is ugly ... if it isn't turning to ice rain then it's just brown, ugly slush instead of beautiful white snow. But it is amazing how quickly the snowbanks can vanish after a day of +4C and rain.

  5. Lovely views of the lake...did the rain make all the snow go away?

    1. It didn't make it all go away (we had some pretty high banks), but it sure turned it ugly. I hate it when the pristine snow starts to sag and get splashed with mud ...but I like it too, it usually is a sign of winter turning to spring.

  6. Sometimes I miss the snow...but, usually I can go for a ride and forget what I was missing. And, when I can't it's because we have snow and I remember how much fun it is for the first three days. After three days I remember why so many Michiganders fly off to Florida or Arizona for the Winter.

    Love the photo of the lake.

    1. It is beautiful, for a time ... and I would miss it, but then ... it's time it should be gone. I'm finished with it now, could someone just make it go away.

  7. You are wishing the snow would go away now and I am wishing the temperatures would drop! LOL! Our summer here has been exceptionally hot this year! But come winter, I will be wishing it were summer again ... we are never happy!
    Lovely pictures VStar!

    1. Ah, so true ... we're never happy with the weather, but that's okay - give it 10 minutes and it will change.
