Yes Emily

Yes Emily, girls can ride motorcycles!

Friday, August 3, 2012

It's Over ... But It Really Won't Hit Me Until Tomorrow

Aboard the Wolfe Island Ferry
Oh, Canada, I'm back (or, to quote my Mom, "Thank God you're back alive").
It was a short but lovely ride parallelling Lake Ontario from Oswego to Cape Vincent. Cape Vincent has become my favorite, no line ups, U.S. exit and from there it's only a 10 minute ferry ride to Wolfe Island and Canadian soil. There were a group of Harley riders from Quebec on the ferry. I was glad they got off the boat first, I couldn't tell if my VStar engine was running over their pipes (I won't even mention the tank tops and half helmet attire that was popular with the group).
The Harley riders, I think the trailer says it all.
I attempted to meet up with number two son who was working on the Island. He told me it was a kilometer down a gravel road .... I've really got to get that boy to check the odometer when he's travelling. After two kilometers down a road that felt like I was riding on marbles he was no where in sight. I did find a suitable place, with dry grass to turn around, texted him about meeting tomorrow and headed back to take the ferry to the main land.
I arrived home around noon and was met at the door by all things furry. They said their hellos and then proceeded to ignore me as they went back to their afternoon naps. Number one son had looked after the place well, the flowers were even still alive despite there having been no rain and temps in the high 30/low 40C range since I left. Best of all was a big hug from Miss Maddy (my granddaughter and most beautiful girl in the world)
and dinner with friends at the Creek. It's Friday and all is the same as I left it 28 days and 10,426.9 kilometers ago. It's over but it really won't hit me until tomorrow.
Just another Friday night at the creek!
Jo, Norbert, Me, Barb and Ken.


  1. Welcome Home!!! That was a long trip just to spend a weekend with strangers. It was nice to meet you and I hope to see you again someday.

    Ride Safe!

    1. Erik, I wouldn't have missed it, and now have 7 more friends (not strangers). Ride safe send pictures from Sturgis (I don't think I'll ever go there - in bike week that is)

  2. I bet you are happy to be home & sleeping in your own bed. That was quite a trip you had!

    1. I am happy to be home, but sad not to be on the move at the same time. (Although it's nice not to have to stuff all of my belongings onto the VStar). Hey day trips, the best of both worlds.

  3. I'll add my "Welcome Home" to the others and I'm glad you made it home safely. Funny comment about not being able to hear your engine. Maybe it's time for a tach then you can at least look down and see if it's running...

    1. Thanks Richard. I understand the theory that the loud pipe users are working under, but I just couldn't take that noise all day long, I could hardly bear it for the 2 minutes they ran beside me. Give me quiet little bike who's engine I can hear purr (but what else would the slowest Canadian want eh?)

  4. Karen:

    welcome back to Canada. Home safe and sound to have dinner with friends. You now have friends out West too. someone once told me that internet friends weren't real, but we are and we all Love you

    It was fun and hope we can see you again

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. Bob it was fabulous to meet you and the gang, real for sure! Now listen, about the beautiful pasture land, really ya gotta see the east, you could ride down for the weekend some month and dine at the Creek, and go off exploring the east coast, it's just two days ride to the Atlantic from here. Luv Ya - stay real!

  5. Outstanding! It really looks like you've had a great adventure. A 10,000km holiday sounds fabulous to me.

    1. It was fabulous Andrew ... and to get to meet the western contingent was great, even if I'm not a mountain rider, they were so patient. I think I could have kept going again this year if I hadn't already promised I wouldn't. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Welcome back home. You're family is probably relieved to have you back in one piece ;-) (We hear that all the time when we're traveling... especially when on two wheels.)

    It was fantastic meeting you. Thanks for making the effort to ride across the country. What a ride.

    1. Ah, Sonja - if it weren't for our Moms ... it was a great ride ((I've done it three times now, with a little bigger gas tank ... it's your turn; really, it's all about the ride). The end is bitter sweet though, great to be back but miss the adventure.

  7. I have to agree with your mom - Thank God you're back alive!
    We're packing up and getting ready to depart for Nfld on Monday. Two more sleeps!
    Oh, I don't think I told you that we found that cache you and I hunted for in Perth. It was in the gazebo rafters.
    LOL Leslie!

    1. Ah, you care (and you found that darn cache - I knew it was in that gazebo!) I was worried this year, I didn't want to mention it til now, I lost my little motorcycle angel somewhere at the end of last year ... She had been with me so long, I wasn't sure I'd make it without her, but obviously her spirit is still looking after me. Have fun in Newfoundland.

  8. Wow, two weeks on the road. Kudos to you and your solo adventures. I am glad you made it back safe and sound.

    And I have to say Maddy is adorable. It looks like she was happy to see you too.

  9. Brandy I like to think that Maddy is glad to see me, at least she remembered who I was after 28 days - though she did ask what I was doing here. "I think I live here." Out of the mouths of babes.
