Yes Emily

Yes Emily, girls can ride motorcycles!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Frosty The Hyundai ...

Digging out from under a three day ice and snow storm ... 
Life may have seemed a little chaotic but the rest of the world gleamed spectacular, frosted and glistening with ice ... like diamonds under a new morning sun.

What a difference a day of sunshine can make.


  1. Really nice photos though it follows three days of misery…

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Richard, for us the storm was nothing but three days of cozy with full power never interrupted and nowhere to go (I really enjoy a good 'snow' day) ... for thousands of others around Ontario it wasn't quite as pleasant, some still without power. Happy New Year.

  2. So pretty to look at but can be so dangerous with downed power lines.

    Sure hope you didn't lose power.

    Thanks for sharing all the lovely ice photos.

    1. Spectacularly we did not loose power here but it did take 40 minutes to de-ice the SUV enough to leave the drive after all was said and done.

  3. Karen - We dodged that particular bullet (for the most part). Hope everything is okay for you as lots are still without power. And the turkey is supposed to be on a table today, not up a pine tree.

    1. Canajun - did you catch the smirk on that bird's face .... We didn't loose power here, just couldn't go anywhere for a couple of day - but it was cozy and warm inside.

  4. Karen:

    I loved looking at your crystal, diamond world, just not having to live in it. It was 8°c yesterday.

    I'm not sure I could tackle that killer road right now with all that ice. It would be too cold for me using my hiking sandals. Perhaps sometime during the summer, that is, if you wait for me

    I'm glad you're safe and warm and that you did not lose power during the long ice storm

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. Bob - sandals are out of the question for sure! The road, not too bad on four wheels. We are safe and warm and bright as day - nothing like the last ice storm with no power for 9 days.

  5. The ice always bring dangerous beauty, especially so once the sun comes out. Losing power seems to be our biggest concerns; thankfully most of our cold precip is the whiter, fluffier stuff.

    Glad that you could enjoy it from the cozy side looking out.
