Yes Emily

Yes Emily, girls can ride motorcycles!

Monday, July 8, 2013

2013 The Eastside Story – Day 3

The drive along coastal highway 1A was refreshing with a cool ocean breeze blowing under overcast skies. I finally made it to the ocean.
A Mom with her two 6 year old girls offered to take my picture and one of the girls just couldn’t help being in the photo.
Just a couple of the smaller beach houses in the Hamptons behind the Star.
When in Kittery – go shopping and when you’ve run out of steam for the stores eat at Bob’s Clam Hut made famous by Food Network TV’s “Diner’s Drive In’s and Dives.”  
I’m not much of a seafood fan but they had Haddock on the menu. I have to admit it was probably the best fish I’ve eaten (food photo for Barb - Food Network Fan extraordinaire.)
Then shop some more, trying to wear off the fried fish, still buy nothing …. and that pretty much sums up my day, day 3 of the Eastside Story.
Steamy, but not quite as hot as yesterday - I love the ocean.
It's raining now, hopefully Mother Nature get's it out of her system before the morning as I head off to Salem then Cape Cod


  1. Karen Susan and I love Ogunquit. Whenever we go Kittery is on our list and so is that clam shack. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

  2. Love the food porn! Yummo. I know you are not a huge fish fan - bravo for the going 'whole hog' (oops fish) for the deep fried stuff!

    1. Okay,so fish have no legs does that negate the extra two legs of the pig from two days ago ... am I still a two-leg-atarian?

  3. I think that since you are on holiday, you should be a 'what-ever-a-leg-atarian ' your little heart desires! Heck, you might even come home and tell me you had lamb! (not)....
    Keep the food porn coming!

  4. Shop and buy nothing. That's how it is with bike touring. Not much room for any new items. Maybe you could fit in a key to one of those little beach houses...

    1. Richard, I could fit a key I just need to come up with a million or so in the checking account!

  5. Karen:

    you're riding to places I've only read about in magazines or seen on TV. Must be nice to be in cooler temperatures.

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. Soon Bob, soon. Today the temperature was finally hospitable but with it came the threat of rain. There's always a pay off.

  6. I am glad you are enjoying the ride so far. Only day 3, so many more things to see and do and places to ride.

    I always enjoy following your moto-adventures.

    1. Thanks Brandy - there are always new roads to travel but so many favorite roads to revisit too.

  7. Oh, how I miss the ocean... any ocean will do as long as it is a salty breeze...

  8. Karen,
    I'll have to ask you to slow down....I've only now figured out that you are on the move again.

    1. Coop, if was going any slower I'd be stopped. Not used to travelling and getting no where fast. Tomorrow maybe I'll put on a few more kms.
