The scenic drive ended at Grand Falls NB south east of Edmunston but the perfect weather continued for the rest of the day.
You can cross the gorge by bridge (definitely my choice) or you can cross by zip line. First zipper crossing - "ya - hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!Double zipper crossing ...
After the Falls the route lead to highway 2W then turned to 185N. This section of highway is undergoing massive reconstruction, the magnitude of which was mind blowing. I'm sure there are small countries that could be entirely rebuilt with less work. All of this, of course, once again played with Garmin Dan's electronic head! (Dan just doesn't seem to be able to cope with change.)
Tonight's stop is in St. Andre, Quebec. Dropping down into the river valley, from highway 185 to route 132, I was once again awe struck by the sight of the magnificent St.Lawrence estuary; across the river's mouth the mountains meet the water and I know I'm close to home. Route 132 is one of my favorite highways to ride as it follows the meanderings of a mighty river through towns brimming with character and history.
P.S. Gaining an hour left a little time to explore and I made a new friend on my hike along the river ...
And the sun set (midst millions of blood sucking mosquitoes) over the St. Lawrence at St. Andre.