Yes Emily

Yes Emily, girls can ride motorcycles!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Moon Gazing and Stars Blazing

Saturday was the night for gazing at the moon.
We waited and watched as the full moon rose above the giant maple trees.
Then apparently somebody turned on the Bat Signal.
Finally, Sunday I got the Star polished up and blazing for a perfect little ride on a perfect spring day. There seems to be a bit of an issue with the front tire though. It's loosing air ... slowly but surely, so it looks like it's back to the shop for her.

And I've had a post card from Randy ...


  1. VS Lady:

    the Star looks all packed up and ready for the road. I like the "batmoon"

    Riding the Wet Coast
    My Flickr // My YouTube

    1. The Star is always ready, if not completely packed ... It just doesn't feel right to ride without the gear on it.

  2. Cool pictures of the moon. Was that the maple that turned on the bat signal?

    Bummer the Star is losing air, at least you got a ride in, that is good.

    I can tell from the postcard that wherever Randy is he is 'comfortable'

    1. It was the maple - and I didn't even notice it when I was taking the photo the moon was so bright.
      Yes, looks like Randy is comfy ... post mark seemed to be from west of here. I think he wants me to follow him!

  3. Fabulous photos - just loved the 3rd one with the "bat" signal!!!

    1. Thanks Geoff - who has more fun than crazy folks chasing the moon ... crazy folks riding motorcycles I guess!

  4. Vstar Lady - you always take beautiful pictures! I hope you are finally getting some lovely riding weather.

    1. Thanks Dar ... I get inspired, howling at the moon. Weather is lovely, wish I had more time.

  5. You take lovely photographs.
    I love the bat signal one!

    1. Thanks Lizzie - actually the bat signal was an accident (taking pictures in the dark you know...) Just don't tell anyone, I'd rather they thought I was clever.
