Yes Emily

Yes Emily, girls can ride motorcycles!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Advice From The Dog

Be loyal
Delight in the simple joys of a long walk
Unleash your talents
Hide your favorite snack
Make new friends
Learn new tricks, no matter your age
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them (Ilan Shamir)

Misty Rose
June 1999 - September 2013
When life gives you ducks ... go swimming in the pond no matter what it does to you hair!.
That's my girl.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your walking companion. Very nice photos and prose. Looks like she enjoyed the pond with the ducks.

  2. Sorry to see the to:from date... I feel your pain. Good advice though.

  3. Karen:

    Oh no ! so sorry. cherish the memories and remember the good times

    Riding the Wet Coast

  4. Oh no, that's not nice to hear. She looks like a lovely dog - a real cutey in the top pic especially.

  5. Awww so sad to lose a companion and friend.

    Sending hugs your way.

  6. A heart-warming and poignant good-bye to a loyal friend to all who knew her.

    Gone to be with her friends and family who have gone before.

    I know only to well how difficult a time it is for you.


  7. Karen they are wonderful companions but they tear a gaping hole in your heart when they leave.

  8. Karen - I am so sorry for your loss. I know how intense the grief is when you lose your furry loved ones. It has been a year for me and I still keenly feel her loss. Warm hugs to you.

  9. Thanks All ... She was a beautiful dog, but more than that after 14 years, she was a member of my family.

  10. I am so sorry you lost your friend. My heart goes out to you. I know how hard it is. I've lost 2 in the past few years. I miss them every day.

    She is a beauty!

  11. Karen, felt your pain from here. We lost two within a year and I won't do it again.
