Yes Emily

Yes Emily, girls can ride motorcycles!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Getting There

Getting there starts with the first mile, but before the first mile there are things a gal has to do....
Check the tire pressure.
Pack ...
Somehow it seems that 5 days at a resort requires so much more stuff than a month on the road. This called for a ...
I'm thankful for friends with time on their hands and a minivan.
It was a perfect day for a 376.4 km ride, Star and Caravan together.
 And as the sun set, I gazed at the dirt that lies ahead of me ... tomorrow.


  1. Relax, you'll do fine. Keep in mind it is not like street riding, pay attention to relaxing your arms and not trying to push the bike around. I held on tight the first two times I did it and man I was stiff and sore. Just roll with it. Go slow there is no need to speed demon. Have fun, you'll get there.

  2. oooh - are you going to play in the dirt? Fun!!

    1. Yup, 7 days of rain has left a lot of mud to play in.

  3. I was initially impressed that you managed to pack all of that stuff on the bike. But no problem having a support vehicle to carry the bulk. Just have the essentials with you...

    1. Richard, it's amazing how little one person needs to travel with for a month and how much two people felt they needed for 5 days (In all honesty, it was mostly food!)

  4. I can't see the proverbial kitchen sink!

  5. I love it. The foreshadowing in the previous post. Now, the suspense builds. Wow, this woman really wants to become a better rider...or, just get dirty. Have fun!

  6. Karen:

    sounds like you're going to have a great time. relax and let the momentum carry you through

    bob: riding the wet coast

    1. Momentum ... hum. I should have used that rather than the throttle =D
