Yes Emily

Yes Emily, girls can ride motorcycles!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

One Picture Tells It All ...

If the gang thought I was slow on the VStar they should see me on the Avalanche GT All Terra ... this picture says it all.
Today a friend and I rode our bicycles on a section of the K&P Trail that follows the Napanee river from Yarker to Camden East. For the most it was a straight, level stretch and so the legs didn't do too much complaining. It was a perfect day - cool enough not to work up a sweat and warm enough not to need mittens. We are so lucky to have this kind of biking/hiking/snowmobiling trail available - free for the willing and able!
 Looking down the trail ...
 The sign says, "One of the remaining train whistle signals. Last train ran in 1979."
(The K&P Trail is built on the former rail bed.)
 Crossing the River
The Napanee River at Yarker


  1. I like the train tracks converted to bike paths. You get that a lot in Europe. Well done exercising!

    1. It was great - hardly like exercising at all when it's flat and level.

  2. The trail looks great. I remember living in the Okanagan and we used to ride our mountain bikes on the old KVR (Kettle Valley Railway) trail. I like it when they take up the unused rail lines and make trails out of them.

    1. The trail was fabulous - and we have hundreds of kilometers of trails like it around here ...

  3. The trail looks great. I'm surprised the sign is still in such good condition. The day looks great, though saddening to see so many leaves on the ground.

    1. It is sad to see the leaves falling especially since they haven't had the chance to show their glorious colours - they are just falling because of the dry summer.

  4. Karen:

    I am sure that we have trails around here somewhere, but I can assure you that they are NOT FLAT. There will be lots of hills, uphill BOTH ways, and also lots of hills to get to the trails.

    but good for you for getting some exercise, not that you need to do any . . .

    Yay, Monday is *Star day for you

    Riding the Wet Coast
    My Flickr // My YouTube

  5. As a inlne skater and land paddler I love the rails to trails. It allows for an nice aerobic workout on the skates and a decidedly non-hair raising experience on the board.

    Nice lead in photo.

    1. Sounds like your trails are a little more 'finished' than ours. It's great that you can skate on them ... and I had not heard of land paddling before - looks like fun.

  6. So, what is the function of the train whistle sign? Instructing the engineer?

    1. That's exactly what it was for - to tell the engineer he was approaching a crossing and needed to blow the wistle

  7. I enjoyed the slideshow of your 2012 road trip...

    1. Thanks Richard ... but the page is acting funny lately. The side bar slide shows keep changing sizes. I don't like new blogger all that much so far. I guess I was comfortable and didn't have to waste time 'fiddling' on the old one.
