Yes Emily

Yes Emily, girls can ride motorcycles!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Signs Of Spring ... Blog Challenge

Dar, aka "Princess Scooterpie," has issued a blog challenge to 'GET YOUR SPRING ON.'  It's a challenge to find signs of spring in the neighborhood...your neighborhood, my neighborhood.

Like grasping at a straw, here it is, a sign of spring in my hood ... reflections in a puddle, and the puddle is the splashy kind not the hard kind.

The days have grown longer but Mother earth has not melted her blanket of snow. There is no dank, smell of spring mud, no blossoms peaking through, too much still lies beneath the frozenness ... but little by little it will melt away, the first puddle - the first sign.


  1. Karen, you found a puddle!! are you sure you didn't cheat with a blowtorch? How much further south are you from me?

    1. Well David, according to Google I'm a whole 1.2667 degrees further south than you and it was a balmy + 2.1C here this afternoon (nice change from - 26C of last week.

  2. I haven't seen a splashy type puddle outdoors for quite a while. And maybe not for a while yet. I think I may be one of the few who think that Spring still has snow in the picture. We usually can't count on it no longer snowing until sometime in May. I've even been hiking on July 4th and we got stuck in a blizzard...

    1. Richard what you can't see are the three foot snow banks beside the puddle ... the puddle is just a small bit of melt from above freezing temps today.

  3. Karen:

    I'm glad that you're not frozen in your deep freeze. Liguid water is better than frozen/hard water anyday. Time to start dusting off your Shorts and Sandals. Spring will be here in less than 3 weeks

    A weekend photographer
    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. Bob today was a nice change from the -26 last week (sadly the weather 'guys' say tomorrow it's back to the double digit negative numbers.) It sure was nice to see bare roads, with a little melt but the snow banks are still way to high to really think spring will happen any time soon.

  4. Dank smell of spring mud - you sure described Oregon right about now.

    Hubby was thinking of a puddle with rain drops splashing as a sign of spring around here.

    At least you managed a puddle rather than a snow drift. That must be a sign.

    1. It's a beginning, without a blade of grass or a bud in sight it's all I had.

  5. Well, at least it lacks the usual white…

    1. I cropped out the white just for something different :-D

  6. Real water.....a guy can dream.

    When ours comes, we'll have plenty!

    1. Coop that's what we are afraid of this year ... the real water will come!

  7. Thank you! I think melting water particularly of the snow variety is a welcome sign. I can remember in Prince George waiting and waiting for this to happen, it usually wasn't until the beginnings of May that the snow would be definitely leaving, albeit coated with a dark grime of road grit and sand. Then we used to wait for the ice on the lakes to break through and that was usually mid-June. I will take any sign of spring be it little or bit.

    1. Dar it was a little bit of melt ... the ice on the lake is still being measured in feet (a long way to go!)
