Yes Emily

Yes Emily, girls can ride motorcycles!

Monday, January 30, 2012

More Ice - More Ice - More Ice

The weather continues to be crazy with more ice, more ice, more ice.
The drive home was crazy slippery on Friday.

But Saturday morning the sun shone and highlighted the jeweled crusting of ice on everything.
(Of course the neighbors thought I was crazy out in my pjs and slippers taking pictures as the sun came up.)


  1. Thank you for putting up with the neighbors comments to get the photos. It looks like Spring!

    1. One day spring, the next day winter. I feel like the groundhog, everyday I poke my head out to see if I have a shadow (or a reflection in the ice, or puddles or...)

    2. oh...and the neighbors already know I'm a bit daft!

  2. VS Lady:

    Looks beautiful as long as you don't have to drive in it. I suppose if I were your neighbour, I would be waiting for you to make your appearance too. You must have memorable PJ's

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. You're absolutely right, I thought it was beautiful just after I pulled into the driveway. The first photo was when I had to stop to shake after a white knuckled, hair raising half hour drive on black ice.

  3. I see nothing wrong about taking pictures in your PJs, especially when they are such cool pictures.

    I really like the second picture, but the softness of the first is nice too.

    1. I like the second pic too - a little candle in my flower garden, now forgotten, with icicle jewels at sunrise. (I'm just glad it wasn't too cold out for pyjamas!)

  4. I can hardly wait for spring. I can't complain really because we don't get snow very often, but the greyness is driving me around he bend. I have snuck out in my jammies too to take pictures. Riding season is just around the corner.

    1. I'm with you - am tired of this weather, can't wait for spring. Hey, does it count if you see a racoon out playing the morning of groundhog day? I'm sure it must mean spring is even closer than if the groundhog doesn't see its shadow.

  5. I've been reading many of you post about your VStar adventures. I do the same type of touring on my BMW... camping... staying at KOA. Last July it didn a 4800 mile loop of the western states. I don't have a blog but have photos online: . I also follow you as freefrommatrix on twitter :)

    1. Well, hey there Rich, nice to have you stop by. The photos of your July trip are wonderful and looking at them kind of/really/actually makes me wish I was back on the VStar out the way I think I recognize those Petaluma donkies. I am surprised that our paths did not cross or perhaps they did and I just didn't know it. Photobucket - what a great way to share with family and friends. Hope you've got more plans for summer 2012.
